We call upon all other pension providers to join MMMM! It’s going to take us all coming together to create an investment system that works for everyone. One that rewards positive impact to planet and society. Collectively we have the power to make this change – and inaction will impact us all.
Q&A with pensionbee
Tell us about your organisation
PensionBee is the UK’s leading online pension provider. Our mission is to make pensions simple and engaging – for everyone in the UK. We are over 100 people.
Why did you choose to become a pledge partner?
PensionBee is an MMMM pledge partner as we are united in our joint vision that pensions have the collective power and potential to change the world for the better.
We look forward to working together with MMMM and the other pledge partners to help ensure our future world is a safe, fair and happy place for everyone to retire into.
Tell us about a particular investment(s) in your pension scheme that your organisation can be proud of.
We are proud to say our customers tell us how they want their money invested. Our first responsible plan, the Future World Fund, was introduced back in 2017 as a result of our customers telling us they wanted to invest more of their money in companies that are transitioning to a low carbon economy.
In early 2020 we surveyed our customers again and many told us they no longer want their money invested in oil or tobacco. Later this year we will launch the UK’s first mainstream fossil fuel free fund in direct response to that feedback.
As an organisation we are proud that we have built a culture where we truly embrace customer feedback and that sets the direction for our future.
What would you share with other organisations that are thinking about becoming pledge partners?
We call upon all other pension providers to join MMMM! It’s going to take us all coming together to create an investment system that works for everyone. One that rewards positive impact to planet and society and there is no room for bad corporate citizens. Collectively we have the power to make this change – and inaction will impact us all.