Our Team

For press enquiries, please email tony@makemymoneymatter.co.uk

Tony Burdon


Izzy Howden

Senior Campaigns Manager

huw Davies

Senior Finance Adviser


Campaigns Assistant

david hayman

Non-exec Director

sayo ayodele

Non-exec Director

char love

Non-exec Director

richard curtis


Jo cOrlett

Co-founder and Non-exec Director

The Make My Money Matter Collective Fund is
a restricted fund operating under the auspices of
Prism the Gift Fund, charity no. 1099682.

We are a Living Wage employer and have been selected as
one of Escape The City’s 100 best organisations to work for.

We are also a Living Pension Employer. The Living Pension is a voluntary savings target for employers who want to help workers build up a pension pot that will provide enough income to meet basic, everyday needs in retirement.

OUR Partners

Business in the Community

Business in the Community is the oldest and largest business-led membership organisation dedicated to responsible business.


WWF is the world’s leading independent conservation organisation. Its mission is to create a world where people and nature can thrive together.


ShareAction campaigns for the global investment system to take responsibility for its impacts on people and planet, and use its power to create a green, fair, healthy society.

The Green Finance Institute

The Green Finance Institute mobilises capital to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, net-zero carbon economy that is also climate resilient.

The Impact Investing Institute

The Impact Investing Institute is an independent, non-profit which aims to accelerate the growth and improve the effectiveness of the impact investing market.

Accounting for Sustainability

The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) works with the global finance and accounting community to make sustainable business business as usual.

Good with money

Good With Money is about helping you become good with money while doing good with money too.

The Global Ethical Finance initiative

The Global Ethical Finance Initiative oversees, organises and coordinates a series of programmes to promote finance for positive change.


Quietroom is a team of writers and strategists. They make complicated subjects, like pensions and investments, more meaningful to more people.

The Ethical Finance Hub

The Ethical Finance Hub is an advocacy and advisory body based in Edinburgh that researches and promotes ethical finance in Scotland.


Giki is a digital tool designed to help people live more sustainable lives.


albert is the screen industry authority on environmental sustainability. Founded in 2011, the project supports the industry in eliminating its environmental impact as well as developing on-screen content that is compatible with a sustainable climate.

UN Global compact uk

UN Global Compact UK is the UK network of a worldwide platform of business and non-business entities which aims to mobilise a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create a better world, through promoting adherence to their Ten Principles as well as the SDGs.

Crack the Crises

Organisations from across the UK have come together to advocate for a better future, for people and planet. With the world facing challenges such as Covid, injustice and climate change, UK decision-makers have an opportunity to demonstrate their leadership at home and abroad. Together, we can make this happen.

My Fair Money

MyFairMoney is an independent and non-commercial information platform that helps retail investors to integrate sustainability into their investment decisions. The platform with its questionnaire, fund database and educational resources was created by the international non-profit think tank 2° Investing Initiative.

Our Advisory GROUP

Jamie Drummond

Co-Founder, ONE Campaign

Nick Hurd

Former Government Minister

Michele Giddens

Co-Founder, Bridges Fund Management

Jeremy Oppenheim

Co-Founder, Systemiq

Amanda Rendle

Non Exec Director, Tesco Bank

Naomi Alexander Naidoo

Movement Builder, Chayn

Keir Mather

Founder, Neon Bridge

Make My Money Matter and the Global Goals

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals (officially known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs). These goals have the power to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change.

Make My Money Matter is committed to supercharging the power of our money, helping people unlock the trillions of pounds saved in pensions to build a just, sustainable future we’d all want to retire into. Our pension investments can help achieve this through financing the Global Goals. After all, what is good for people and planet is good for our savings.